Just Transition Grand Challenge
Developing inclusive, just solutions to climate change at the speed necessary to prevent catastrophic harms is one of the grand challenges of our time. Policy measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are well known, but policymakers in New Mexico and at the federal level are only beginning to grapple with how to ensure that this transition will be equitable for all people. The Just Transition Grand Challenge seeks to identify and evaluate the opportunities, challenges, and policy options for achieving this inclusive and equitable transition, with a focus on creating economic opportunities for members of disadvantaged communities—particularly Hispanic, Native, and Black communities and fossil fuel worker communities.
This Grand Challenge will bring together a diverse team from the disciplines of political science, population health, business, engineering, and law, as well as external community partners, to develop the foundation for an institute to be housed at UNM that can support the state of New Mexico in this important transition. Our work will build on prior and current research, including research on workforce development by UNM’s Center for Social Policy, research on equitable climate change mitigation policies from the School of Law, and research on sustainable infrastructure opportunities through the Sustainable Water Resources Grand Challenge, and will also make use of the infrastructure of the UNM Anderson School’s new Economic Development Center.
This community-centered project will also be driven by community engagement and policy development led by external partners, including the chair of the state’s Sustainable Economy Advisory Council.
Overview of team's plans and goals
Core Team
Gabriel Pacyniak, Associate Professor, School of Law (PI)
Shannon Sanchez-Youngman, Assistant Professor, College of Population Health (co-PI)
Gabriel R. Sanchez, Professor, Political Science and Executive Director, Center or Social Policy
Robert DelCampo, Rutledge Professor of Management, Anderson School of Management and Executive Director, UNM Innovation Academy
Other team members
Melanie Sayuri Sonntag, Grand Challenge Coordinator
David Lopez Amaya, Just Transition Graduate Fellow
Yoselin Cordova, Just Transition Graduate Fellow
Addison Fulton, Just Transition Undergraduate Intern
Alma Kassim, Just Transition Graduate Fellow
Dayana Maldonado, Just Transition Graduate Fellow
Selene Diaz Martinez, Just Transition Graduate Fellow
Lunch & Learn with NM Economic Development Department’s (EDD) State Plan Lead, Kayla Lucero-Matteucci
The NREL Program and UNM’s Just Transition Grand Challenge are hosting a lunch and learn by NM Economic Development Department’s (EDD) State Plan Lead, Kayla Lucero-Matteucci Wednesday, January 22 at 12-1pm at UNM School of Law, Room 2404.
Ms. Lucero-Matteucci will talk about her work helping communities across the state prepare for a transition to a lower-carbon economy, including fossil-fuel dependent communities. She works on economic diversification and resilience as well as navigating the challenges and opportunities of energy transition.
Ms. Lucero-Matteucci and Prof. Gabe Pacyniak will also announce an exciting fellowship that will be available for a UNM recent graduate from any graduate program (and potentially an undergrad) starting this May. The one-year fellowship will be a partnership between EDD and UNM’s Just Transition Grand Challenge, and with an intended start date after graduation this May. The fellow will conduct research on promising state policies across the country for helping fossil-fuel communities diversify their economies.
Food will be served (including vegetarian and vegan options).
Note that a shuttle will be available for up to 14 students at 11:45 from main campus at the roundabout north of the duck pond.
1/7/25: Dr. Noah Kaufman provides overview of Resilient Energy Economies Research - UNM News via UNM Natural Resources and Environmental Law Program

9/18/24: Gabriel Pacyniak (co-convenor), Melanie Sonntag (Program Manager), and Selene Diaz Martinez (Graduate Fellow) presented two Just Transition projects at the UNM School of Law Faculty Colloquium Series on September 18, 2024. Titled “The Local Turn in Federal Climate Policy: Assessing Challenges in Getting funds to Disadvantaged, Rural, and Low-Capacity Communities,” the team presented two separate projects currently in development; a law review article on the history, importance, and challenges of climate policy; and a qualitative research project on the experiences of local governments and community-based organizations in New Mexico in pursuing competitive federal grants.
8/22/24: NM's Just Transition: No community left behind, everyone shares benefits - Public News Service
6/23/24: One-on-one with Gabriel Pacyniak - Albuquerque Journal
4/20/24: Supporting communities impacted by climate change mitigation: Lessons from Colorado’s Office of Just Transition - UNM News
2/29/24: Cross-campus collaboration reveals startling conditions for oil and gas workers - UNM News
2/22/24: The Just Transition Grand Challenge team published a report commissioned by Somos Un Pueblo Unido which aims to provide insights into the oil and gas workforce for stakeholders engaged in the just transition to clean energy in the state of New Mexico. The report describes the attitudes, experiences, and workplace conditions of the oil and gas workforce and their families in the Permian Basin region of Southeast New Mexico, the perceived current and long-term training needs as the state transitions to clean energy, and the current training landscape in the region. Co-Principal Investigator Shannon Sanchez-Youngman and Co-Convener Gabriel Sanchez, along with Just Transition Graduate Fellow Yoselin Cordova and Grand Challenge Coordinator Melanie S. Dominguez, used data collected from focus groups, surveys, and interviews with local educators, workforce boards, and community-based organizations. The report can be found here.
2/21/24: Co-convenors Sanchez and Delcampo hosted Senator Heinrich's staff alongside the lead staff of the Joint Economic Committee that the Senator chairs for a discussion of research focused on economic development, including workforce development in clean energy. The Senator's team is very interested in more of our work and may be in touch with some follow up requests to support federal legislation in this area.
1/15/24: We can unlock federal funds for our communities - Gabriel Pacyniak, in the Santa Fe New Mexican
Past events
Fueling a Fair and Just Energy Future Speaker Series: Building Economic Resilience in Fossil Fuel-Dependent Communities
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 4 p.m.
Student Union Building Trailblazer/Spirit
As a founding member of the Resilient Energy Economies Initiative, Dr. Kaufman provided an overview of the initiative’s founding, mission, and ongoing work, which focuses on developing strategies that support fossil fuel-dependent economies as the energy system transforms in the 21st century. He shared research and research projects currently under way in other parts of the country that could serve as models for research in New Mexico. He also discussed promising policies that are being developed that may be considered as possible paths and solutions for New Mexico, as the state is transition toward a low carbon economy.
Fueling a Fair & Just Energy Future: Learning from Colorado’s Office of Just Transition & the Transition from Fossil Fuel Communities
Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 4 p.m.
UNM Student Union Building, Mirage/Thunderbird (3rd Floor)
Wade Buchanan, Director of the Colorado Office of Just Transition, discussed the work of one of the first state-level agencies in the country focused on helping communities successfully transition away from economies dependent on fossil fuels.
Colorado created the Office of Just Transition in 2019 to assist workers and communities that will be adversely affected by the loss of jobs and revenues due to the closure of coal mines and coal-fired power plants. Its purpose is to help workers transition to new, high-quality, jobs, to help communities continue to thrive by expanding and attracting diverse businesses, and to replace lost revenues.